After the age of 35-40, the body of women goes through many changes. There is an imbalance in hormones, which leads to problems like mood swings, hair fall, dryness in the skin and weight gain. Also, the muscles in the body start decreasing.

Apart from this, after 40 years of neglecting health, many types of diseases like high blood pressure, thyroid, heart disease, diabetes, obesity etc. start to surround us. Therefore, to stay healthy and fit, women should include special foods rich in nutrients in old age.

Today we are telling you about a superfood goji berries, which every woman should eat after the age of 30. This information has been shared by PalakKoradia, expert and co-founder of the nutrition company Health Hatch.

Experts say, “Goji berries are considered a superfood because of the many health benefits they provide. It contains phytochemicals. It is an important source of dietary fibre. In addition, the beta-carotene present in it is essential for the health of the eyes, bones and skin.

Nutrients present in 100 grams of goji berries

  • Fat - 0.4 grams
  • Protein - 14.3 grams
  • Carbohydrate - 77 grams
  • Fibre - 13 grams
  • Calcium - 190 mg
  • Iron - 6.8 mg
  • Vitamin C - 48.4 mg
  • Vitamin A - 8040 mg
  • Sodium - 0.024 grams

How to eat goji berries

  • Add it to salads or fruits.
  • You can also take it by mixing it in smoothies.

Goji Berries Juice

Ingredients required

  • Fresh Goji Berries - 100 grams
  • Water - 100 ml
  • salt - as per taste

Method to prepare and use

  • Wash it thoroughly and separate the stalks.
  • Then mix all the things and grind them well in the mixie.
  • Serve it in a glass.
  • Your juice is ready.

If you take it in excess, then goji berries can harm your health.

Boon for eyes

The effect of increasing age is also on the eyes. Goji berries are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which are beneficial for eye health. It contains zeaxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene. All these three elements are essential for the health of the eyes.


The problem of arthritis starts troubling women in old age. Due to this, pain and stiffness are felt in the joints, due to which women also have difficulty doing daily work. In such a situation, eating goji berries is beneficial.

Goji berries have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The amount of protein in it is very high. In addition, they contain 15 times more iron than spinach. They are also rich in calcium and zinc.

Hair growth aids

When it comes to hair, there are many benefits of goji berries. Goji berries are rich in Vitamin-A and C. Vitamin-A improves blood circulation in the scalp and Vitamin-C helps in the absorption of nutrients.

Depression goes away

Drinking a cup of goji berries juice has been shown to improve energy levels and digestion. Apart from this, it removes mental problems like depression and stress.

Blood pressure remains under control

Goji berries contain polyphenols. They remove free radicals from the body. In this way, they are beneficial for women suffering from high blood pressure. They contain phytonutrients, which improve immunity.

Kidney remains healthy

Goji berries help detox the body so that the kidneys can do their work easily. These berries reduce the burden on the kidneys by removing free radicals and toxins from the body.

Apart from diet, women can stay healthy in old age by drinking the right amount of water, good sleep, controlling stress and exercising a little daily.

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