An immaculate and beautiful face is the desire of all women, to get which they use many things on their skin. Women make face packs of some things at their homes so that they can be kept young by removing dead cells from the skin. In such a situation, you can also take the help of strawberries, which are rich in anti-oxidant properties, along with skin tightening, are beneficial in toning the skin, improving skin texture and pigmentation, etc. Strawberry is no less than a boon for the skin, the face packs made of it miraculously take care of the skin. Today in this article we are going to give you information about some face packs made from strawberries. Let's know about them

Strawberry and honey face pack
If you want to make your skin more nourishing then make this pack. For this, take some strawberries and mash them with a fork until it turns into a smooth paste. Now add one tablespoon of honey to it and mix it well. Now clean your face and apply this mask. After about 15 minutes, clean the face with the help of water.

Strawberry and curd face pack
Cut 4-5 strawberries into small pieces. Put them in a blender to make strawberry pulp. Take it out. Add 1 teaspoon of curd to it. Mix it. Apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. After that wash it with plain water. You can use it 1 to 2 times a week.

Strawberry and Chocolate face pack
If you want to make your skin more smooth, then you should make this face pack. For this, first, mash the strawberries well. Now add one spoonful of cocoa powder and honey and mash it well. Clean your face and leave it like this for about 15 minutes. Finally, wash your face with the help of water.

Strawberry and Lemon Face Pack
Take 3-4 strawberries. Mash them. Add lemon juice to it. Apply this mixture on your face as well as your neck. Leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. After this wash, it uses plain water. You can use it 2 times a week.

Strawberry and rice flour face pack
If you want to make even-tone skin more beautiful by removing your dead skin cells, then make this face scrub. For this, blend the strawberries and make a puree out of them. Now mix curd, vitamin E capsule, and rice flour in it. Now apply it on your skin and scrub the skin with light hands. Leave it like this for about 5 minutes. Finally, clean the skin with the help of water.

Strawberry and fresh cream face pack
To make a mask of strawberries and fresh cream, first, take the puree of strawberries in a bowl. If the skin is too dry, then you should use fresh cream. If the skin is oily, then for that you should use curd with strawberries. Mix them well and apply them to your face. Wait for about 10 minutes and then wash the face with warm water. This mask can be effective in treating acne.

Strawberry and oatmeal face pack
To heal damaged skin, you can use a strawberry and oatmeal mask. Blend 6 strawberries with a tablespoon of oatmeal in a blender. Add enough rose water to make a fine paste. Now apply this face mask and massage it with light hands in a circular motion. Leave it on till it dries. The oatmeal acts as a scrub that gets rid of dead skin while the strawberries help heal damaged skin.