Protein is considered very important for the body. It helps in creating new enzymes and muscle tissues etc. in your body. Protein is found in every cell of the human body. Which simply means that adequate protein is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Generally, people also use protein powder to meet the protein needs of their body.

You get many types of protein powders in the market, but among these, both soy protein and whey protein are very popular. Generally, people are confused about which of these two would be better for them to consume. However, it depends on the needs of the person's body. So today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you what is the difference between soya protein and whey protein and which of these is better for you to consume-

Do things differently

Soy protein and whey protein are both good sources of protein. But both of them work differently in the body. Where whey protein gets broken down immediately after entering the body, due to which your muscles get immediate fuel. But soy protein takes time to break down in the body and only then does it reach the muscles.

Keep track of time

The time at which you take both soy protein and whey protein is very important. For example, if you do weight training and want to fuel your muscles immediately after a workout, then it is good to consume whey protein. But if you are not doing intense workouts and just want to meet the protein requirements of your daily diet, then taking soya protein is considered better.

Muscle building

If you are building muscles or want to do so, then taking whey protein is a better option. However, you can also take soy protein, but it is not considered as good an option as compared to whey protein, because it takes time to break down, due to which muscle recovery does not happen quickly.

Fat burning

If you want to burn fat, then taking whey protein is considered very good. No such research has yet come to light on soy protein, which can prove that soy protein is a very good option for fat-burning.


When it comes to price, whey proteins are quite expensive and hence not everyone can afford it. At the same time, soy proteins are cheaper than whey proteins.

Vegan diet

If you are on a plant-based diet or a vegan diet, then whey protein is not for you. In this situation, taking soya protein is considered very good.

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