Every year 'World Hypertension Day' is celebrated on 17th May, its purpose is to create awareness among people about this disease. If high blood pressure is called a 'silent killer' then it would probably not be wrong. It can cause many serious health problems like heart attack by damaging our blood vessels.

What is the treatment for high BP?
According to the American Heart Association, "Although there is no sure cure for hypertension, the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease can be reduced by taking prescription medications and making some lifestyle changes."

What should be the blood pressure?
If you want to take special care of your health, then you will always have to keep checking whether your blood pressure is normal or not. Generally, a range below 120 mmHg is considered normal blood pressure, whereas if it crosses the 130 mmHg range, then understand that you have hypertension. Through the table given below, you can understand what the blood pressure should be.

How to control hypertension?
To control hypertension, you will have to bring changes in many things including your lifestyle and food habits, only then this silent killer can be avoided.

1. Eat a well balanced diet with less salt
2. Abstain from alcohol
3. Focus on regular physical activities
4. Manage stress
5. Manage healthy weight
6. Quit smoking
7. Take medicines regularly
8. Follow the advice of healthcare professionals

(PC: Freepik)