Most people like to do gardening. But in today's time, when the space in houses is very less, then most people like to do gardening on the balcony. By doing balcony gardening, not only does gardening become possible in less space, but it also makes your home look very beautiful.

People find balcony gardening very attractive. But during this many types of problems also have to be faced. From water drainage to direct sunlight, many problems can cause problems for both your plants and your balcony. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some problems related to balcony gardening and their solutions-

Sunny Balcony Garden

If your balcony is south or west-facing, then the balcony is exposed to full sunlight for most of the day. You may think that this is good enough for the plants. But too much sunlight can also have adverse effects on plants. In such a situation, plants in this type of balcony need adequate care.

To manage this problem, water your plants every day. However, in winter, you can water the plants after leaving for two to three days. Trim plants once a week or remove damaged parts. Use clay pots as clay pots help in keeping your plant cool.

At the same time, grow vines or hang plants on the railing to create shade for plants growing on the floor of the balcony. If sunlight is a big problem, cover your balcony with an umbrella or cloth.

Water and drainage problems in the balcony

If you like gardening on the balcony, then you must have faced this problem for sure. The easiest solution is to put a saucer with a layer of pebbles on the bottom of the pot. Apart from this, you should use self-watering containers.

They allow plants to take up and absorb water when needed. What's more, water the pot in two or three stages, not all at once, so that you can stop watering when water starts to seep out of the bottom of the pot. Also, apply mulching to retain moisture in the soil to reduce the need for watering.

Running out of space

Generally, we prefer to do balcony gardening when the space is less. But if the balcony is small, then often people are not able to do gardening in their desired way due to less space. But if you want to do gardening in the best way even on a small balcony, then the best way is to use vertical space.

In this way, you will be able to use the space of your balcony in a maximum way. Also, use stack planters, railing planters, vertical wall planters, and hanging baskets.

So now you too can overcome the problems faced during balcony gardening with the help of these easy tips.

Image Credit – freepik


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