If you hesitate to share things with your partner because he or she makes fun of you, this could be a sign of a red flag partner. You must have heard words like red flag or green flag from your friends. After your or any of your friends' breakup, you must have heard from his/her mouth that you did not see the red flags in advance. A red flag has always been a sign of danger, but in recent times it has also started being used to indicate the dangers of a relationship.

Similarly, a green flag is a kind of positive sign in a relationship. It shows a strong foundation in the relationship. A green flag means that your partner is right for you and respects you. It is also important for you to know what red and green flags are in a relationship and how they can be identified.

Danger signs
In a relationship, one should never try to dominate one's partner. You are two people in a relationship, so both of you should listen to each other and make decisions wisely. But if someone is trying to dominate each other then it is wrong.
You both have a relationship, but your partner is not there for you whenever you need emotional support. For some reason or the other, he keeps disappearing and despite you feeling that way, he does it again and again, then this is the biggest red flag in the relationship.
Similarly, making fun of your profession or things, putting you down repeatedly, or calling you lucky because he is with you, is also very wrong. Therefore, do not ignore these also.
At the same time, convince you of every adjustment, but never adjust yourself. Even if you have to fix a date to meet, he will do it, not you, and even if you do so, he will start getting angry at you, such behavior is also counted as a red flag.

Signs of happiness
In a relationship, it is important to have emotional intimacy along with physical, which makes your relationship better. If you and your partner share your feelings openly then you are living a good relationship.
In a good and strong relationship, we do not shy away from apologizing to each other and do not think too much. If your partner is also like this then you are in a green-flag relationship.
Apart from this, your partner should respect your work and decisions. If he stands by your side in front of other people, feels safe with you, and accepts you for who you are, these are also signs of green flags.
If you are living a good relationship then your partner will never be afraid or think about talking to you about the future. A good partner will always talk to you about his plans.

Identification is necessary
Health Department, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Bharti Singh, a psychology consultant in the government, says that it is very important to identify green flags and red flags in any relationship. With these signs, you can decide whether your relationship is better or not. It is not necessary that the person you love loves you equally. In many relationships, people come just for the sake of name and pretend to love. Many times, this is where people give red flags in a relationship, after which their partner loses faith in any relationship.

Loving each other, respecting each other as well as people close to each other, their family members, always supporting your partner, taking care of them when things go wrong, all these things are Green Flag. There are signs. If you see signs of red flags in your partner, identify them in time.

(PC: Freepik)