The bathroom is usually the dirtiest part of the house. Everyone hates a dirty bathroom, but the hard work of cleaning it also causes trouble. Anything that helps us clean the bathroom quickly is something we'll love. Although many types of toilet cleaners can be bought from the market, still the matter of home DIY is different.

The hacks we are going to share with you today will be cost-effective. The bathroom will be cleaned only with the things present in the house and even if something has to be bought from outside, it will not cost more than Rs.10.

How to clean bathroom tiles

You have to adopt the Best out of Waste method. First of all, take lemon peels which you usually put in the dustbin. Even if there are dry peels, it will do. Grind them by mixing them with water and salt. Put the amount of mixture you want to use in a dirty bottle. Now put two to three spoons of Harpic in it. Keep in mind that you must wear gloves before applying this mixture.

Now add some water to the mixture and leave it in every corner of the bathroom. This mixture can also be poured into a dirty pot. Let it stay in the bathroom for at least 30-35 minutes and then add some water and rub it with a scrubber. This hack will cut your hard work almost in half. Plus, the lemon will make the bathroom smell great.

Disprin will also help

Water-soluble medications such as aspirin or disprin can be used to clean the bathroom. All you have to do is dissolve any tablet containing salicylic acid in water and put it on the tiles for a while. After that put normal phenyl or any kind of toilet cleaner and leave it on the tiles. Scrub it normally after 20 minutes. This method will easily remove saltwater stains from your tiles.

Easy way to clean pot

If you have white vinegar at home, pour it into the toilet pot and leave it overnight. Use at least two cups of white vinegar. Coca-Cola can work as well as white vinegar, but don't leave it for more than 1 hour. Just remove the soda pot stain; we have to keep it for that long.

If both these things are not there, then buy baking soda worth Rs.10 from the market. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water and apply it on the pot stain and leave it for at least 2 hours. If you want, you can add Harpic to this paste. After this, you have to do normal scrub.

Tank water in the pot also causes stains. These brown stains look very bad and do not even clean with ordinary harpic. For these, a little hard cleaner has to be prepared.


  • 2 teaspoons borax powder
  • 2 teaspoons dish wash liquid
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar
  • water as required

Everything has to be made in the consistency of paste, so keep less water. If you prefer, use Harpic instead of dish wash liquid, but be aware that this will result in a more acidic reaction. In such a situation, you may have a problem with the smell of the mixture or there may be a problem of burning in the eyes.

Now you have to put this paste on those stains of toilet pot which are not easily cleaned. Leave it for 30 minutes and then scrub it with some water. Stubborn stains may not come off the first time. In such a situation, you can adopt this trick again in two days.