Is unbearable period pain normal: Women often ignore period pain and consider it a compulsion to bear it. It is true to a large extent that almost all women experience pain during periods. But if you are having pain beyond a limit, then do not tolerate it, rather pay attention to it. Excessive pain during periods can be a sign of many diseases. Therefore, if you have more pain than normal during periods, that affect your routine work, then you should consult a doctor. Let us know from experts about which three diseases can be a sign of excessive pain during periods. Dietician Simran Kaur is giving this information. Simran is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Problem of endometriosis in women

If you have severe pain during periods, it can be a sign of endometriosis. This is a disease occurring in the uterus of women. In this, the tissue inside the uterus starts growing. These tissues start coming out of the uterus. These tissues come out and start spreading inside and outside the fallopian tubes and ovaries, due to which there is severe pain during periods. This also affects the fertility of women.

PCOD problem in women

PCOD and PCOS is an endocrine disorder occurring in women. This happens due to hormonal imbalance. In this, male hormone increases in the body of women and due to this, periods can become heavy and the pain during periods is also more than normal.

Fibroid problem in women

It is a tumour occurring in or on the uterus of the woman. Its size may vary. Sometimes these can be very small and sometimes very big, and this can cause severe stomach pain and heavy periods. If you have unbearable pain during your period, do not ignore it.

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