Mouth ulcers are a common problem. There are many reasons such as vitamin deficiency, poor digestion of food, dehydration, and food allergies, which lead to the development of mouth ulcers. It is common to have mouth ulcers, but they create a very painful condition. Due to this, there is difficulty in eating food. In such a situation, people consume more liquid. That's why you should get rid of them as soon as possible. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies, by trying which you can get rid of mouth ulcers. So let's know about these remedies to cure pimples of the mouth.

If you add salt to hot water and use it, then surely it is very beneficial for you. Salt kills microorganisms because it has an antibacterial effect. To make salt water, simply add one teaspoon of salt to one cup of warm water. Use this mixture to gargle twice a day for a few minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps fight the germs inside the mouth that cause ulcers. Mix one tablespoon of vinegar in a small cup of lukewarm water. Mix the solution well, take some of it inside the mouth, and rinse. Repeat this and when the solution is gone, rinse your mouth with fresh water. By doing this every morning and evening, the ulcer will be cured quickly.

Black tea
Before using black tea, you must first prepare the tea bag by steeping it in a cup of hot water. Once the water and bag have cooled, immediately apply the tea bag to the canker sores. This will give you a lot of relief.

Coconut milk
Applying coconut milk to mouth ulcers provides coolness. For this, gargling with coconut milk two or three times a day will reduce the pain of ulcers. You can also rinse with coconut milk.

You can chew cloves to reduce pain and heal wounds faster. Clove has antibacterial and analgesic properties. This not only helps in the quick healing of your mouth ulcer, but it also reduces the pain considerably.

Gargle with turmeric water
If you are troubled by ulcers in the mouth, then gargle with turmeric water. Mix a little turmeric in lukewarm water and gargle with it. Gargling with turmeric water twice a day provides relief from mouth ulcers. Turmeric has antiseptic properties that heal wounds quickly and get rid of ulcers.

Honey has many medicinal properties. However, you might not be aware that it can also be an effective treatment for mouth ulcers. Apply honey on the ulcers and leave it. Keep in mind that you keep applying honey on the ulcers after every few hours. Honey has antimicrobial properties and can help any open wounds heal more quickly. Apart from reducing the ulcer, honey also protects the area from infection.

Eating bananas
If you are troubled by ulcers, then eat bananas in the morning. Sometimes due to an upset stomach, blisters in the mouth also bother. If you want to remove ulcers and keep your stomach healthy, then eat bananas on an empty stomach in the morning. Fiber-rich banana relieves constipation and removes the problem of ulcers.

Glue stick
If you have mouth ulcers, heal them with gond katira. Its cooling properties provide relief from the inflammation and pain of ulcers. Applying Gond Katira paste on the ulcers for a few minutes provides quick relief from pain and redness. Apart from this, gond katira is also helpful in strengthening the immune system.