After Corona, children have become dependent on mobile phones. Parents also give phones to their children to distract them. But recently something has come to light after which parents themselves can stop giving phones to their children. Spending too much screen time in childhood increases the risk of heart disease in young adulthood. The chances of heart attack and stroke are also higher in such youth. This has been proven in a study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio and presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2023. According to researchers, children spend too much time in front of television, video games, mobile phones, and tablets during childhood and adolescence, do not engage in physical activity, and sit still, which increases the burden on the heart.

A study done on so many children
The study was conducted by Andrew Agbaje of the University of Finland. For this study, researchers tracked the health and lifestyle of nearly 14,500 children born in 1990 and 1991 as they reached adulthood. Of the children in the study, 766 (55% girls and 45% boys) were asked to wear a smartwatch at the age of 11 years. This smartwatch monitored his activity for seven days. At the young age of 15, he was asked to repeat. Next, each of the participating children had their hearts examined at ages 17 and 24. The study measured children's height, gender, blood pressure, body fat, tent use, physical activity, and socioeconomic status.

Children spend more time on screens
People spend approximately 2 hours and 51 minutes on desktop and computer screens. Since 2013, daily screen time has increased by 18 minutes worldwide. Screen time is highest among American children. Average usage is 9 hours per day.

Effects of excessive screen time on children
Too much screen time affects their language development. Apart from this, children may also have problems like sleep, obesity, depression, anxiety, etc. Apart from this, spending too much time on the screen also affects the mental health of children. Apart from this, there may also be a change in the behavior of the child. Children's eyes become dry after prolonged exposure. They start having problems like headaches and vision problems.

How to get rid of mobile addiction in children?
The researchers advised parents to ask their children and teenagers to travel more to get rid of the mobile phone habit. Additionally, reduces the time children spend watching TV, using social media and video games.

These methods will also be useful
Children learn anything only by watching their children. So in such a situation, you should control your habit of looking at your mobile yourself.
If your teenage child is addicted to mobile gaming then do not scold him and take away the mobile. This may have a negative impact on them. Gradually, you can free your child from this habit by diverting his mind and engaging him in some other work.
If the child is below 10 years of age, then set a time for his mobile viewing. This will curb the child's habit of using mobile throughout the day and gradually this habit will also go away.
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