Along with the brave sons of the country, women also had a special contribution in getting independence to India. Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi was the first to revolt against the East India Company. Durga Bhabhi, who supported Bhagat Singh and his comrades at every step took a bold step to drive out the British. The names of women like Sarojini Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Bhikaji Cama, and Savitri Bai Phule are also included. These women took part in Gandhiji's movement and forced the British rule to return. Although all these agitators and revolutionary women involved in the freedom struggle are Indians. But a foreign woman should also be mentioned in getting the country independence, who left her country and family and settled in India. Became a part of freedom movements. Despite being a foreigner, she loved Mother India like an ideal citizen of the country. Let us know about this foreign woman involved in the Indian freedom struggle.

Foreign women involved in the freedom struggle

We should not forget the contribution of British-born woman Madeleine Slade in the Indian freedom struggle. Madeleine Slade was born in England on 22 November 1892. Madeleine was the daughter of Sir Edmund Slade, posted as Commander in Chief in the East Indies Squadron of the Navy in Mumbai. She loved nature a lot. Madeleine had learned different languages, including Hindi.

Madeleine's connection with India was due to Mahatma Gandhi. When Madeleine read the literature written on Gandhiji, she was very impressed by him. Madeleine came to India in 1925 and met Gandhiji. Madeleine Slade wrote her autobiography, named 'The Spirit's Pilgrimage'. In this book, she mentions her first meeting with Gandhiji. She said that in the very first meeting, Mahatma Gandhi had told her that you would remain my daughter.

Mahatma Gandhi made a foreign woman his daughter

After Bapu accepted Madeleine as his daughter, her life changed. Madeleine left her luxurious life abroad and came to India and dedicated her life to the freedom struggle. Mahatma Gandhi gave her an Indian name. Madeleine Slade came to be known as Miraben. Miraben considered India as her home and started following the path shown by Gandhiji. Along with the name, her appearance also became Indian. The daughter of an elite family abroad started wearing a simple dhoti and sleeping on the ground.

Contribution of Miraben

Miraben, a supporter of Gandhiji, always stayed with him. During the freedom struggle, she used to be a part of Gandhiji's movements. Miraben also went to jail with Mahatma Gandhi. Miraben also contributed to the establishment of Kisan Ashram in Muldas Pur, Uttar Pradesh.

Miraben got respect

Remembering the contribution of Miraben, who left her life for the country and came to India to struggle, she also got respect after independence. In the year 1982, she was honored with Padma Vibhushan by the country. However, by then Mira Ben had left the country and settled in a village in Vienna. Therefore, she could not come to India to receive this title. The Indian ambassador himself went to her in Vienna and gave her this honor. Apart from this, a postage stamp has also been issued in the name of Mira Ben. Mira Ben died on 20 July 1982.

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