To keep ourselves healthy, we must eat healthy and clean foods, this will be possible only when we keep our kitchen and especially the fridge clean. A little carelessness in this work can make your whole family a victim of a disease. To keep the food items fresh, we depend on our refrigerator to a great extent, but we often do not take care of its cleanliness, due to which bacteria start accumulating in it.

Bad smell coming from the dirty fridge
If the fridge is not cleaned for several weeks, then it starts to smell very bad and the food kept in the refrigerator starts spoiling quickly. Before such a situation comes, you should take care of cleanliness in advance. Let us know how the fridge is kept clean.

How to clean the refrigerator?
1. First of all, exclude the greens, vegetables, and fruits kept at the lower level in the refrigerator.
2. After this, de-frost the fridge and surround the ground of the refrigerator with a mop. By doing this, the water of the melting ice will get accumulated in the mop.
3. If you don't want to defrost, it is better to take out all the salmon from the fridge, open the door for a few hours and unplug the socket.
4. Heat some water in a vessel and add salt to it. Then with the help of a cloth clean the fridge thoroughly from the inside.
5. Fridge cleaning sprays also come on the market. By the way, you can also do cleaning with the help of baking soda or white vinegar.
6. To remove the smell from the fridge, keep it open for a long time and leave it to dry.

7. Take out the tray present in the fridge and wash it with the help of dish wash liquid and wipe it thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator.
8. Try not to keep cooked food in the fridge for more than 48 hours. Do not store the rest of the things for a long time.
9. Keep any things in a packed or covered utensil in the fridge, the smell spreads throughout the fridge if the food is left open.
10. If a smell starts coming from any one food, then take it out without any delay.