Fruits To Include In Diet: Fruits also play an important role in making our body strong. The way we consume millet and vegetables daily, similarly fruits are also helpful in keeping our health healthy. When our body has a special requirement for nutrients, then the consumption of fruits becomes necessary to stay fit and healthy. Not only this, these fruits are also helpful in keeping us away from diseases.

1. Consumption of Kiwi in Asthma-

Asthma is a respiratory disease. This is a dangerous disease, to stay away from it you can consume kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit is very tasty to eat. Along with this, it is also helpful in keeping you healthy. Let us tell you, Vitamin C and antioxidants are found in plenty in Kiwi fruit. Because of this, this fruit helps avoid the symptoms of asthma. A person suffering from asthma often has a problem of breathlessness. In this case, you should consume Kiwi fruit daily.

2. Consumption of lemon in UTI-

People who have UTI infection should consume lemon in plenty. Let us tell you, UTI is called a urinary tract infection. This disease is mostly seen in women. Health experts say that eating lemon is beneficial for UTIs. All the bacteria and toxins in the body are removed by the consumption of lemon. Due to this women get relief from the problem of UTI.

3. Orange will boost immunity-

If you keep getting sick again and again, then start consuming oranges. On the other hand, if you want to avoid diseases, then you should eat oranges to boost immunity. When your immunity is weak, the body becomes vulnerable to diseases very quickly. That's why you need to eat oranges to boost immunity.

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