It is mandatory to link your PAN card with your Aadhaar card and its last date is 30 June 2023 i.e. you have to get this work done by tomorrow. Otherwise, your PAN card may become inactive. In such a situation, many people have got this work done and many people are doing it. But there are many people whose PAN card is not being linked with an Aadhaar card because their PAN and Aadhaar information (name, gender, address, etc.) are not matching with each other. While all the information should be the same in both documents to link PAN with Aadhaar. In such a situation, if you also have these problems, then let us know how you can correct this mistake and get the PAN linked to your Aadhaar. You can learn about this in the next slides...

Linking PAN with Aadhaar can be a problem due to the following reasons:-
Demographic information mismatch
Date of birth difference
Mistakes in gender etc.

First of all update the same information in PAN and Aadhaar:-
Step 1

If your PAN card is not linked with your Aadhaar because your PAN and Aadhaar information are different, then first update the information in your PAN card
For this, you must first update your information by visiting this link

Step 2
Then go to UTIITSL
After this, update your Aadhaar card by visiting this link

Step 3
Now that the information has been updated in both Aadhaar and PAN, then you have to link them again.
For this, you have to go to this link and you can do so by following the further process.

(PC: iStock)