Today's youth are so busy in their work that they do not pay attention to their health, poor eating habits and lifestyle, workload, and stress make them suffer from many health problems, in such a situation, if we talk about men, then they struggle with the problem of premature ejaculation, which can be a disturbing problem, but apart from medical treatments, there are also effective home remedies that can provide relief, let's know about them-

Kegel exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can greatly improve ejaculation control. To perform a Kegel exercise, squeeze the muscles used to stop urination and hold for a few seconds, then release.

Cloves: Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, cloves can help control premature ejaculation. Soak 4-5 cloves in water overnight and consume them in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ginger: The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can increase blood circulation , which could potentially benefit premature ejaculation. Mix one teaspoon of ginger juice in a cup of hot water and drink it twice a day.

Bananas: Potassium-rich bananas help reduce muscle spasms , potentially aiding in ejaculation control. Eat one or two bananas daily to reap the benefits.