Nowadays people are seen using cash very less because now online payment has replaced cash. People are seen making online payments to buy something worth one rupee or more. It also has many advantages because you do not have to keep cash in it and you can make payment from your mobile itself. However, when it comes to big payments, people make payments by cheque. Making payment by cheque is also very easy, you just have to sign the cheque to the person to whom you want to make payment, after which he can take it to the bank and get it cashed or can take the money to his account, but If you are giving a cheque to someone then it becomes important for you to know some things. Otherwise, you can also get into trouble later. So let's know what are these things that you should keep in mind...

Those who pay by cheque should not forget these things:-
Number 1

You are giving an advance cheque to someone, which means that there is no money in your account today, but there will be money on the date on which you have given the cheque. In such a case, the other person can deposit the cheque in the bank and get the money, but if this cheque bounces, then you may have to pay an additional charge and in case of non-payment, a case of cheque bounce can also be made against you.

Number 2
Keep in mind that never give a blank cheque to anyone just by signing it. Otherwise, you can be cheated. Always fill the cheque completely and only then give it to the person you want to pay so that only the amount you want can be paid.

Number 3
Many times such occasions come when we have to give a canceled cheque to someone, like- when joining a company, we have to give a canceled cheque to get a salary, etc. On such occasions, keep in mind to tear the MICR band, and then do not forget to draw a line on the cheque and write CANCEL on it.

Number 4
If you make payment by cheque, then avoid signing in front of everyone. Try to sign the cheque in private. If you do this in front of everyone, then someone can copy your signature. So don't do this.