Wedding season is going on. In such a situation, the person who has a wedding in his house is busy shopping. There was a time when everyone's focus was only on preparing the bride and groom, but now times have changed. In today's time, everyone prepares to look special at the wedding.

Especially if we talk about women and girls, they start preparations for marriage long in advance. Preparation of clothes and makeup is done, but in today's time it is customary to decorate the nails well.

Earlier, women used to increase the length of their nails naturally, but now due to a spoiled lifestyle, the nails of most girls become very weak, due to which they start breaking on their own. If you also have the same problem, then we are going to tell you some solutions, by adopting which you can make your nails strong and beautiful.

Coconut oil
Along with Vitamin E, many such elements are found in it, which work to grow nails well. In such a situation, you can get strong nails by using it. Its use is also quite easy. To use it, you have to massage your nails with this oil before sleeping at night.

Lemon juice
Vitamin C is present in large quantities in it. In such a situation, apply lemon juice on the nails at least once a day. Its use is quite simple. To use, simply massage the nails with lemon juice and then wash it off with warm water.

It has anti-fungal properties, due to which protect your nails from fungus and strengthen them. With its use the length of nails also increases. Apply vinegar on the nails with the help of cotton and leave it and then wash your hands with lukewarm water.

Definitely apply base
All types of chemicals are found in nail polish. In such a situation, if you are using it then apply base coat first. This will keep your nails away from chemicals.

(PC: Freepik)