Bad lifestyle and poor eating habits have a direct impact on our gut health. Nowadays most people are troubled by digestive problems. Some are suffering from constipation and some are troubled by swelling in the intestines. If the condition of your intestines is also bad then you can take the help of some home remedies. For digestive problems, you can include chia seeds in your diet. Talking about its nutrients, it has the highest amount of fibre. Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in it. There is also a wealth of many other nutrients including proteins and vitamins. Let us know how beneficial chia seeds are for gut health.

Chia seeds are beneficial for digestive problems

  • Consuming chia seeds can relieve inflammation in the intestines. The intestine is healthy only when good bacteria are present in it. Chia seeds contain fibre and omega-3 fatty acids which help in increasing healthy bacteria in the intestines. This prevents harmful bacteria from persisting.
  • Chia seeds are rich in dietary fibre. It is effective in improving the digestive system. It propels food forward into the intestine. Helps in bowel movement which makes bowel movement easier.
  • If you have the problem of irritable bowel syndrome then you must eat chia seeds. This can provide relief from pain and cramps. It helps in clearing the toxins accumulated in the intestines.

How to consume chia seeds

  • You can eat it by mixing it in curd.
  • Can be eaten by sprinkling it on salad or smoothie.
  • Mix chia seeds in milk and consume them. For this, add one spoon of chia seeds to a glass of milk at night and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • You can also consume it by mixing it in pudding or pancake.

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