A woman struggles with many health problems from conception to delivery. Even after the birth of the child, she has to pay more attention to her health for the sake of the baby. Mother's health affects the baby from pregnancy till after birth. In such a situation, every woman should pay special attention to her health and also include some good habits in her lifestyle to keep her child healthy.

Yoga is an activity that improves the physical and mental health of both mother and child. Practicing yoga cures many health problems, whereas if mother and child practice yoga together, both health and relationship improve.

Mother's Day is being celebrated on the second Sunday of May i.e. 12th May. On this occasion, mother and child should develop the habit of practicing yoga with each other. Here some yogasanas are being explained which can be practiced by mother and child together to get better results.

A woman's muscles may become weak after delivery. The practice of Balasana is beneficial in removing muscle weakness. Balasana can also prove beneficial for the physical and mental development of the child. The practice of this yoga is very simple, which a child can easily do with the mother.

How to do
Sitting on your knees, bend down in front while inhaling extend your arms in front, and touch the ground. After remaining in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

Marjorie seat
Practicing Marjari Asana provides relief from waist and back pain. This yoga is very beneficial for women. This provides relief from reproductive problems. This yoga can also prove beneficial in improving the physical posture of the child.

How to do
In this yoga, the posture is like that of a cat. To practice this, sit in Vajrasana posture take a deep breath and keep the palms of the hands forward. Stand on your knees while placing the entire weight of your body on your hands. Now pull the waist downwards and lift the neck upwards.

The practice of Malasana stretches the stomach, thighs, and spine and helps in reducing excess fat accumulated in the stomach and thighs. Practicing this yoga strengthens the muscles of the pelvic area. This yoga asana is beneficial in the development of children.

How to do
To do this asana, bend your knees and sit on your toes. Do not let the hips touch the ground and make the Namaskar posture by keeping the entire weight of the body on the toes and both hands. After remaining in this position for some time, come back to normal posture.