Due to mosquitoes, there is a risk of diseases ranging from dengue to malaria, chikungunya, which can be fatal in severe conditions. Health experts say, to avoid these problems, it is necessary that you avoid mosquito bites. For this, the use of mosquito nets is considered the safest option, sprays and mosquito coils are also very popular to drive away mosquitoes. But do you know that these coils can be very harmful to your health?

Health experts say, burning coils in closed rooms increases the level of indoor pollution which over time can cause triggering of respiratory problems like asthma along with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

The smoke emanating from the burning of these coils contains many harmful elements which can reach the body and cause serious diseases. So be careful if you are using mosquito coils to repel mosquitoes.

Mosquito coil can increase respiratory problems
According to studies, the smoke emanating from mosquito coils can be as harmful to our bodies as cigarettes. Research suggests that the smoke released by a single coil can be as dangerous as smoking 50 cigarettes.

According to experts from the University of Sydney, these coils work in two ways, firstly, they contain aromatic substances (such as citronella) that repel mosquitoes, and secondly, they contain insecticides that kill mosquitoes. These coils and sticks were previously made from pyrethrum paste, whereas modern coils contain pyrethroid insecticides or substances such as citronella. Both of these can be harmful to the human body.

Mosquito coil smoke is very dangerous
Experts have raised concerns about the adverse health effects of burning mosquito coils and sticks indoors. The smoke produced by burning mosquito-repellent coils contains fine particles which pose a great risk. Breathing in the smoke from burning a coil indoors can be as harmful as smoking 500 cigarettes.

Studies have estimated that the particulate matter produced by burning one mosquito coil is equivalent to burning 75-137 cigarettes. Its exposure in the human body can cause many health problems ranging from heart to lungs.

What do researchers say?
Researchers found that long-term exposure to mosquito coil smoke increases the risk of life-threatening health problems such as lung cancer. Experts say, if you burn mosquito coils, then keep in mind that the room should not be closed, there must be better ventilation in the room. Leave these coils burning in the room and when it is over, go into it only after taking out the air with the help of a ventilator. It is better to use other methods to prevent mosquitoes.

Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites
You can use some more safe methods to prevent mosquitoes.
Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants that cover your body.
Use a mosquito net while sleeping.
Do not allow water to stagnate around your homes to prevent mosquito breeding.
Keep cleanliness around.
Keep doors and windows closed in the evening so that mosquitoes do not enter.
To prevent mosquitoes from growing, do fogging from time to time.

(PC: Freepik)