Exercising in the morning increases your metabolism and remains intact for several hours. It can help in weight management and calorie burning throughout the day. By exercising in the morning, you are less likely to get distracted and after practicing for a few days, it won't take much effort to wake up in the morning. Dr. Imran Ahmed, former resident of IHBAS Hospital, Delhi, why we should do morning exercise and what benefits it can provide to our health.

Benefits of morning exercise
1. Mood will be better

Morning exercise increases endorphins, the hormones that create good mood, in your brain, which helps in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Starting the day with a workout can have a positive impact on your mood and emotional well-being, which brings positive energy for the whole day.

2. Quality of sleep
Regular exercise in the morning can also improve your sleeping pattern. Morning physical activity can help regulate your body's circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep early at night and feel refreshed in the morning.

3. Regulation of appetite
If you exercise after waking up in the morning, your appetite is regulated throughout the day, it reduces cravings and makes you feel full, which prevents you from overeating, which is good for health.

4. Energy Level
Morning exercise increases blood flow, which increases the supply of oxygen to muscles and tissues. Due to this, the energy level in your body feels increased throughout the day, which makes it easier to do daily activities.

5. Immunity Boost
Those who regularly wake up in the morning and exercise, their immune system can work well, because physical activities increase the white blood cells, which helps a lot in fighting viruses and diseases.

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