Raising children is a challenging task. Parents want their children to become well-mannered, responsible, and successful citizens. For this, they adopt strict measures to teach discipline to children.

Parenting Tips: Raising children is a challenging task. Parents want their children to become well-mannered, responsible, and successful citizens. For this, they adopt strict measures to teach discipline to children. They feel that this will make children disciplined and learn to behave well. However, many studies have shown that strict parenting can be harmful to children.

Instead of strict parenting, parents should treat children with love and respect. Explain to children what is right and what is wrong. Encourage children for their good works and explain them for their mistakes. Let us know that excessive strictness can be harmful to children.

Excessive strictness with children can cause:

- A feeling of fear and anxiety can arise in the child.

- The child may lack self-confidence.

- A rebellious attitude may develop in the child.

- The child may have mental health problems.

- Instead of being strict with children, parents should treat them with love and respect. Explain to children what is right and what is wrong.

- Encourage children for their good works and explain them for their mistakes.

To avoid being strict with children, parents should keep the following things in mind:

- Always maintain communication with children.

- Allow children to express their thoughts and feelings.

- Give children a chance to learn from their mistakes.

- Encourage children to their good work.

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