In today's digital age, as easy as it is to get information, it is equally difficult to access the right information. In such a situation, people often have to face problems due to misleading information available on the internet. Especially when it comes to health, awareness is very important, because often people become victims of health problems due to lack of information or wrong information.

We understand this very well and try to provide correct health-related information to the readers on our platform. In this article, we are going to talk about myths and facts related to cholesterol. People concerned about fitness often remain in dilemma regarding obesity and cholesterol. Therefore, we talked to senior physician V.P. Singh on cholesterol and we are sharing the information received from him with you here.

What is cholesterol?

First of all, let us know what cholesterol is. So let us tell you that cholesterol is a type of fat, which is produced by the liver. Cholesterol levels increase in the body due to wrong eating habits and lack of physical activity. For example, the oilier or junk food you consume, the more the cholesterol level in the body increases. At the same time, increased cholesterol is harmful to heart health and can lead to the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases.

Myths and facts related to cholesterol

People concerned about fitness often seem trapped in the maze of words like 'weight loss', 'dieting' and 'cholesterol'. Whereas in reality they do not have correct information about them. Many times, after hearing about them from others, people make many assumptions about them in their minds. So let us talk about some such myths and facts related to cholesterol.

Lean people don't have cholesterol problems?

The biggest myth related to cholesterol is that only obese people have cholesterol problems. People often associate obesity with cholesterol, whereas there is no direct relation between the two. Rather, cholesterol can increase not only due to body weight and obesity but also due to increasing age, lack of physical activity or other reasons. Apart from these, the problem of high cholesterol can also occur due to genetic reasons.

Is cholesterol harmful to health?

The second myth prevalent regarding cholesterol is that cholesterol is harmful to health. So as we told you in the beginning that cholesterol level of more than a certain limit in the body is dangerous. But healthy cholesterol present in the body in a certain quantity is helpful for the heart and other body parts. There are two types of cholesterol present in the body... the first is good cholesterol which is called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and the second is bad cholesterol which is known as Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). According to health experts, bad cholesterol in the body should be less than 100 mg/dL, if it exceeds this, the risk of heart and related problems increases.

Are there any obvious symptoms in the body when cholesterol increases?

One misconception people have about cholesterol is that no obvious symptoms are visible when cholesterol increases in the body. Health experts say that in the case of high cholesterol, a person faces problems like shortness of breath, high BP, chest pain and extreme fatigue. Therefore, as soon as any of these symptoms appear, you should get your cholesterol checked.

Can you control cholesterol by changing your diet?

People often think that they can get rid of the problem of high cholesterol just by changing their diet, but this is their misconception. To control cholesterol, you will have to regularize your daily routine along with a balanced diet. For this, you will have to increase your physical activity through exercise and yoga, so that the cholesterol level in the body can be controlled. Apart from this, if you have a high cholesterol problem due to some other physical problem, then you will have to treat that health problem.

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