Coconut Water For Skin: Coconut water not only works to keep us hydrated in summer, but it also has many other benefits, so if your skin is oily, then apply coconut water on your face. We will tell you how to get rid of oily skin with coconut water in the summer season. Let us know about the benefits of coconut water on oily skin.

Apply coconut water on the face in these ways

As a face mask-

Using coconut water as a face mask is beneficial. This gives hydration to the face, which gives a natural glow to the face, you can easily make its mask, for that, you take 2 spoons of coconut water, add half a spoon of honey and turmeric powder to it, and mix it well and apply on your face. Apply, and wash after about ten minutes of application.

As a face wash –

You can also use coconut water as a face wash for oily skin. Coconut water works to remove oily skin. You massage the face by sprinkling coconut water on the face, after massaging for some time wash the face with clean water, by doing this regularly you will get rid of oily skin.

As a toner-

You can also use coconut water as a toner, as a cleanser, you can remove your makeup, as well as based on toner, and you can clean your skin with it, it is natural. Toner will not cause any side effects and your skin will glow.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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