image credit: recipebook

Ker pickle is very tasty. This pickle is very much liked in Rajasthan. This delicious pickle recipe is also easy to make. To make this, 15 tbsp dry ker, one and a half cup mustard oil, six tbsp mustard pulse, three tbsp crushed fennel, and 3/4 tsp turmeric are needed.

Apart from this, three teaspoons of dried mango powder, six teaspoons of salt, three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds, and six teaspoons of red chili powder are also required. After arranging all these, get ready to make 'Ker Ka Achar'. For this, first, soak the ker in water for eight hours.

image credit: timesbull

Now heat the oil and cool it. After this, add mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds, red chili powder, fennel, turmeric, dry mango powder, salt, and mustard oil in a big pot. Take out the ker from the water and put it in this mixture. Now put this mixture in a glass jar and keep it. Delicious ker pickle is ready.