According to Hindu scriptures, some trees and plants have the abode of gods and goddesses, such as Sri Hari Vishnu in the banana tree, and Lord Shiva in the Bael tree. Many plants are planted in the house for happiness, peace and positive energy. There is one such tree which has special importance in the religious rituals and functions of Hinduism. This tree is also known as Palash or Parsa tree. These are of two types, one orange and the other white.

It is believed that Tridev resides in this tree. Palash flowers are used for many special remedies in astrology. Apart from religious remedies, Palash flowers are also used in Ayurveda. In today's article, we will tell about the importance of Palash and its use.

Importance of Palash tree

Palash means sacred leaves and this tree has an important place in Hinduism. Palash leaves, wood and flowers are used in religious rituals in Hinduism. According to Hindu belief, the Palash tree originated from a fallen feather of an eagle immersed in Somras. There is a legend about the Palash tree in which Goddess Parvati cursed Brahma Dev to become a Palash tree. The religious significance of this tree begins with the triangular formation of its leaves, with the centre of the leaf representing Lord Vishnu, the left and Brahma, and the right representing Mahadev. In the scriptures, the Palash tree has been called the treasurer of the gods. Also, it is considered the symbol of the moon. Because a beautiful view of the moon is visible in the centre of its flower.

White Palash is very dear to Lord Shiva

It is a religious belief that the flowers, leaves and bark of white Palash are very dear to Lord Shiva. Its flowers are not only used for the makeup of God but Mahakal is also anointed with its leaves and flowers.

Use of the Palash tree in religious rituals

  • Dry twigs and sticks of Palash are used for burning in Havan in Hindu Yagya.
  • Dona made of Palash leaves is used for Shraddha work.
  • It is believed that the bhog offered to God in Palash leaf is like the prasad offered in a golden vessel. The Palash leaf is considered like gold.
  • Palash leaves are used in Yagya and Havan.
  • Palash wood is used for making utensils used in religious works.
  • Its flowers are offered to Goddess Saraswati.

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