Acidity is a very common problem which troubles almost everyone. Often people complain of acidity as soon as they wake up in the morning. Or acid remains after eating food during the day. Sometimes some people suffer from acidity throughout the day. Due to this the daily routine also gets badly affected. If this happens to you too then you need to pay attention to your lifestyle. According to Clinical Nutritionist Sheenam K Malhotra, this problem is often seen in those people who make two types of mistakes in their routine. Let us know from the experts what is that mistake and how this problem can be got rid of.

First mistake- lack of water

Experts say that due to lack of hydration, one has to struggle with the problem of acidity. When you drink less water, the acid present in your stomach becomes concentrated which starts creating acid reflux.

How to protect

You should consume three to four litres of water daily so that your tissues remain hydrated and whatever acid is present in your stomach gets diluted and comes out either through your urine or in the form of sweat.

Go to rest mode after eating food

The second biggest mistake that everyone makes in today's busy lifestyle is that they go into rest mode immediately after having dinner or any other meal. Experts say that even if you are not sleeping when you go to rest mode after eating food, whatever acid is created for digestion starts causing harm instead of providing benefit. When you go to rest mode, due to gravity all the acid comes into our food pipe. Due to this, the food pipe becomes inflamed.

How to protect

After eating food, you have to keep your body moving for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Take a walk in the open air for a while or just take a walk in your room. Also, try to have dinner early.

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