Eye Care Tips: Due to the monsoon these days, where there is water logging in many parts of the country, on the other hand, cases of eye flu are increasing rapidly across the country. The cases of eye flu are increasing daily in many states of the country including Delhi. In such a situation, it is necessary to take precautions to protect yourself from infection. In this season, many people are often troubled by the problem of abnormal discharge from the eyes. This discharge from the eyes can be due to many reasons like allergy, infection, or even due to some serious problem.

In such a situation, it is very important that without ignoring it, the doctor, etc. should be contacted immediately. If you are also troubled by the problem of abnormal eye discharge these days, then with the help of these tips you can manage it.

Identify the type of discharge
Observe the color, consistency, and frequency of the discharge. Clear or watery discharge can be a sign of allergies or viral conjunctivitis. Whereas, yellow or green discharge can be a sign of bacterial conjunctivitis or an eye infection.

Practice good hygiene
To avoid any other kind of infection, you must take special care of cleanliness. For this, you must wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes excessively, as this can make the condition worse.

Irrigate eyes
If you are having a problem with discharge from the eyes, then apply warm compresses to your eyes. Doing so may help you reduce irritation, dryness, and any scaly discharge. For this, soak a clean, soft cloth in warm water and gently place it on your eyes for a few minutes. Repeat this several times a day.

Keep eyes clean
Use a clean cotton cloth or cotton ball to wipe away any discharge from your eyes and eyelids. Keep in mind that to avoid re-infection, throw this cloth or cotton ball immediately.

Avoid contact lenses
If you wear contact lenses, it is best not to use them until the discharge has cleared. Contact lenses can trap bacteria and worsen the condition. You can contact the doctor for more information or help.

Avoid sharing personal items
To prevent spreading the infection, avoid sharing towels, washcloths, beauty products, or eye drops with others. These objects can transfer bacteria or viruses, which can cause problems.

Consult an expert
Consult an eye doctor if the discharge persists for several days or if you experience pain, redness, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light.

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