Not only do scars reduce the beauty of the face, but if the shape of the eyebrows is not right or there is less hair in it, then the look of the face is also spoiled. Usually, many women complain that there is less hair in their eyebrows and because of this, the shape of their eyebrows looks bad.

In such a situation, today we will tell you a home recipe, which you can adopt and you can also see the difference in the hair of the eyebrows. Let us tell you that you will get all the ingredients to try this recipe in the kitchen of the house itself.


  • 1 teaspoon ginger juice
  • 1 teaspoon garlic juice
  • 1 tsp Aloe Vera gel
  • 1 Vitamin-E Capsule

Method to prepare and apply-

  • First, grate ginger and garlic and extract its juice.
  • Now mix aloe vera gel and vitamin-E capsules in this juice.
  • Apply this mixture to both your eyebrows and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  • Afterwards, wash the eyebrows with normal water.

What are the advantages?

  • If there is an infection on the skin of the eyebrow area, then obviously the hair thise will not grow and they will start falling. In this case, garlic paste reduces skin infections. Because it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Poonam ji says, 'If you already have skin allergies, do not use garlic. Those with sensitive skin should also not use garlic.
  • According to Research gate, ginger contains silicon. It is a kind of organic compound, which keeps the hair healthy. Ginger also contains zinc; it does not cause dryness in both hair and skin. If you have dandruff in your eyebrows, then it also causes hair to fall these. Ginger juice is like a conditioner for the hair.
  • Talking about aloe vera, it is also helpful in increasing hair growth, as well as making hair soft and shiny.


While applying this mixture to the eyebrows, you should take special care that it does not go inside the eyes. If it gets inside the eyes, you may feel uncomfortable. Also, you have to do a skin patch test 24 hours in advance, so that you will know whetherthis mixture is suitable for your skin or not. If you are having itching, rashes or irritation, then do not follow this remedy at all.

Let us tell you that you will not see the benefit immediately after using this recipe. Rather you have to use it regularly. After some time you will get to see good results.


Your skin and body are different just like you. We endeavour to bring you accurate, safe and expertly verified information through our articles and social media handles but still consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.