After Mahashivratri, preparations for Holi start in people's homes. Every year the festival of Holi is celebrated on the full moon day of Phalgun month. According to the calendar, this year Holika Dahan will be performed on 24th March, after which Holi will be played on the next day i.e. 25th March. This festival is celebrated with great pomp in India.

Many people play Holi with flowers, while many people organize Holi parties of colors and gulal in their homes. In many places, Holi is played with bright colors. It is also very difficult to get rid of these colors. While playing Holi with pucca colors, it is very important to take care of the clothes, because Holi is played by mixing pucca colors in the water. If you are also going to a party where Holi will be played with watercolors, then keep some things in mind while wearing clothes.

Stay away from old clothes
If you wear very old clothes to play Holi, they may get torn due to being weak. In such a situation, you may become a victim of embarrassment. Sometimes the seams of old clothes also get exposed. In such a situation, stay away from old clothes while playing Holi.

Transparent clothes are not the right option
If you go to a Holi party wearing transparent clothes, they will stick to the body after rain. This will make you feel uncomfortable yourself. In such a situation, go to play Holi wearing cotton clothes only.

Women should not wear saree
Women should stay away from wearing sarees at Holi parties. Doing this can spoil your entire look. After getting water, the saree starts sticking to the body, after which you will face a lot of trouble.

Don't wear too tight clothes
If you are going to play Holi then do not wear too tight clothes. Due to this, the wet clothes will stick to your body, due to which the risk of infection keeps looming on the body.