Having Periods is a normal process that occurs every month in women. Many types of changes take place in the body of women during these days. During periods, women may face many problems including pain, stomach cramps, fatigue and headache. Women often avoid talking about period pain or other things related to it. But let us tell you that all the signs related to periods say a lot about your health. Therefore they should not be ignored. During these days, you should pay attention to how the blood flow is, how much pain there is, all these things. There are some signs related to periods which are not normal. If these signs appear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach

Pay attention to these signs related to the period

  • If you have butt cramps during these days, it is a sign of hormonal imbalance. This may be due to the release of prostaglandins. This hormone helps in contraction and blood flow during periods.
  • Some women feel extreme tenderness in their breasts during their periods. This happens due to fluctuations in estrogen levels. If this happens for a long time, you should pay attention to hormonal balance.
  • Some women experience heavy bleeding during their periods. Sometimes this can be due to an increase in estrogen, fibroids, an increase in prolactin or many other health conditions. Don't ignore it.
  • If you notice dark brown blood before or after your period, it is also a sign of hormonal fluctuations. This happens due to an increase in estrogen.
  • Women often have severe headaches during periods. Let us tell you that this should not be ignored. Many times this happens due to hormonal imbalance. But it also indicates low levels of Vitamin B12 and Magnesium in the body. Therefore, include Vitamin B12 and magnesium-rich foods in your diet.

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