Nail Care Tips: To keep their hands beautiful and beautiful, most girls get manicures done, by getting a manicure done, the nails look beautiful as well as the dirt and dead skin accumulated on the hands are also cleaned. But even after a few days, the hands and nails start getting damaged. Let us know how to take care of your hands after a manicure.

Nail Care Tips After Manicure: To keep the hands beautiful and beautiful, most girls get a manicure done, by getting a manicure done, the nails not only look beautiful but also the dirt and dead skin accumulated on the hands are also cleaned. But sometimes even after a few days of getting an expensive manicure done, the hands and nails start getting damaged. This is because after a manicure special care is taken of the hands. Here we will tell you how to take care of your hands after a manicure.

Keep these things in mind after a manicure-

Nutrition is important

If you want your nails to be beautiful and healthy, then you should take a diet rich in nutrition. Nutrients like vitamins B and E and fiber are necessary to keep the nails healthy. That's why you must include fruits and green vegetables in your diet.

Wash hands with salt water

It is very important to keep the nails clean after a manicure, in such a situation, you can use salt water to clean your nails. Cleaning the hands with salt water will clean the dirt accumulated in the nails and make the nails look beautiful. To use it, you take one liter of water. Now put four spoons of salt in it and now soak your hands in it, after that dry your hands and apply hand cream.

Moisturize hands

The cuticles around the nails become dry, so they need more moisture. In this case, after washing your hands, apply some good moisturizer or hand cream on your hands. By doing this the moisture remains.

Use gloves-

After a manicure, nails grow and to maintain this beauty, use gloves.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)