The growing number of chronic diseases at the global level is a cause of concern for health experts. People are becoming victims of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure at a young age, which not only hurts the quality of life, but the average lifespan of people has also decreased. In many studies, researchers have been saying that disturbances in diet and routine can have a bad effect on health, so it is necessary to make efforts to improve it.

Based on recent research published in Frontiers in Nutrition Jal, researchers said that by making some changes in food habits, you can stay safe from about 35-40 types of chronic diseases and their factors. For this, increasing the amount of plant-based things in the diet can be the most effective way. Plant-based diets have been shown to have better health results in the long term. This can be a beneficial way, especially in reducing obesity and preventing many diseases related to it.

You must also make these changes in your diet from today itself.

Many diseases can be prevented.

Studies show that the habit of consuming a plant-based diet can be especially beneficial in controlling weight and preventing metabolic disorders. Overweight and metabolic disorders are responsible for about 40 types of serious health problems.

Researchers at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University in China found in a review of studies that those who consume more plant-based diets have a relatively lower risk of rapidly increasing diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

What did the study find out?

An analysis of studies has recommended more consumption of plant-based things for weight loss and prevention of heart diseases. According to this, consumption of vegetarian and vegan diets is very beneficial in better-managing cholesterol levels, heart and brain, digestion, and strengthening the immune system.

This does not mean that non-vegetarian food should not be consumed, but experts have suggested that reducing the consumption of meat-based things as far as possible can have a very good effect on health.

The most beneficial way to lose weight

Experts found plant-based diet is most beneficial for weight loss. 24 studies related to this were reviewed, which included analysis of data of 2,223 individuals aged 18 to 82 years. According to this, participants who consumed more plant-based foods in a vegetarian diet lost weight rapidly and kept it under control, while those who consumed eggs and non-vegetarian food had a lower rate of weight loss.

High consumption of raw vegetables is most beneficial in reducing the risk of obesity and heart disease.

What do experts say?

In the conclusion of the study, researchers said that raw vegetables contain compounds such as phytosterols and unsaturated fats that reduce cholesterol levels. At the same time, substances such as carotenoids, saponins, and flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Dietician Haley Bischoff says it is good news that the discussion about plant-based eating is becoming more popular and its great benefits have also been seen. Aim for 50% of your meals and snacks to be plant-based. Increasing your fiber intake can help reduce inflammation, eliminate waste from the body, improve blood lipid levels, and prevent serious diseases.