There has been a flood of diseases like blood pressure, hypertension, and heart attack in the country. Moreover, this disease is not leaving even the youth. Rather these days these serious diseases are being seen more in young people only. Meanwhile, such a disclosure has been made in research, after reading which you too will be forced to think. Research has revealed that excessive use of mobile can give rise to serious diseases like blood pressure. It was said in the research that for those who spend more time on mobile, the risk of hypertension remains the same.

A direct link between mobile phone use and Hypertension
This report has been published this month in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health. According to the report, there is a direct link between the use of mobile phones and the disease of hypertension. In this research done on the data of 212,046 people, those who were part of the UK Biobank were taken. The European focus is the most commonly used data set in this research. During the research, the researcher observed that people who spend 30 to 59 minutes on mobile have an 8 percent risk of high blood pressure. Apart from this, the risk of high blood pressure is 13 percent for those who spend 1 to 3 hours on four, 16 percent for those who use a mobile for 4 to 6 hours, and 25 percent for those who use a mobile for 6 hours every week.

Deadly diseases like heart attack are serious in India
During this, writer Dr. Jianhui Qin said that mobile phones should be used at least to maintain heart health. Let us tell you that fatal diseases like heart attacks seem to be taking a serious form in India. Especially since the Corona period, problems like heart attacks have been seen more in people.

(PC: Freepik)