Plums are full of nutritious properties. It contains minerals, vitamins, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Which helps in protecting the body from many health and skin-related problems. Consuming plum juice improves the digestive system and keeps high blood pressure under control. So let's know how to make it.

Plums - 7 to 8
water - 2 glasses
Ice cubes - 4 to 5
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Black salt - ΒΌ tsp

1 First of all, wash the plums thoroughly and cut them with a knife and take out the seeds.
After this, add potato mash, half a glass of water, sugar, black salt, and black pepper powder to the blender and blend it well.
3 After blending, filter it with a coarse sieve.
Add water and ice cubes to the filtered juice and mix.
5 Now serve the berry juice after cooling it.

Digestion is fine
Plum juice is considered very good for digestion. It contains dietary fibers mainly sorbitol and isatin which can help in improving digestion.

Keep heart healthy
Vitamins, calcium, iron, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, etc. properties are found in it. If you drink a glass of juice every day, you will not have any heart disease and your heart will work well. Explain that these anti-oxidant properties help in fighting free radicals.

Strong bones
It contains a chemical element like boron. Which helps in strengthening the bones. It also contains high amounts of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. They protect the bones from any kind of damage.

Boost immunity
Drinking its juice increases immunity. It protects against infections like colds and flu. By doing this, the body develops well.

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