To stay healthy, it is very important to take care of mental health along with physical health. Often we pay attention to physical health but ignore mental health, which is wrong. Stress has become quite common in our fast-paced lifestyle. Many people are also struggling with anxiety and depression. Most people do not pay attention to the symptoms of stress and depression. But in reality, if you are under chronic stress, feel anxious or any signs of dehydration are visible in you, then immediately consult a doctor.

To reduce stress and depression, a healthy lifestyle along with counselling is very important, in which diet plays an important role. Let us tell you what things should be included in your diet if you are suffering from stress and anxiety and want to boost your mental health. Dr. Shikha Sharma is giving information about this. DrShikha helps people to stay healthy through a Vedic diet.

Protein-rich diet will save you from stress

Tryptophan is found in proteins. This is a type of amino acid, which can help in reducing depression. A protein-rich diet can help keep the mind clear and alert. Besides, it also boosts the energy level. Include pulses, eggs, fish and dairy products like milk and curd in your diet.

Include anti-oxidants in your diet

Antioxidants work to remove free radicals from the body. Free radicals are waste products of natural processes occurring in the body. If these are not removed from the body, they can cause stress and anxiety. Therefore, to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, include things rich in anti-oxidants in your diet. Be sure to eat tomatoes, broccoli, kiwis, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, potatoes, nuts and seeds.

Eat Selenium Rich Foods

Selenium deficiency in the body can cause lethargy and poor mood. Increasing selenium intake in the diet can reduce anxiety, improve mood and help manage depression. Include beans, chicken, eggs, Brazil nuts, brown rice and oatmeal in your diet.

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