Strawberry Legs Home Remedies: In the desire of smooth skin water, many women shave the hair of their legs, but within a few days black spots start coming out there. The shape of these black spots is like a strawberry, which is why it is called Strawberry Legs. Usually, this problem arises due to not shaving properly and hard hair. Let us look at those measures with the help of which we can get rid of this problem.

Why do black spots appear on the feet?

Due to the mistake of shaving, the size of the hair follicles increases, in which oil, dead skin, dirt, and germs accumulate, due to which the texture of the skin starts changing and it starts looking like a strawberry, but now there is no need to take tension. There is no need at all. You can treat it sitting at home.

1. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, due to which the closed pores of the skin open and the dryness of the skin also go away. Massage your feet with this oil, you will get the desired result in a few days.

2. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is used in many beauty products because it is very beneficial for the skin. With the help of this gel, moisture will come back into the skin of the feet and dead skin will also be removed.

3. Skin Exfoliator

Exfoliating the skin gets rid of bacteria and dead skin. This process is also called scrub. For this, mix coffee in coconut oil and prepare the scrub. The scrub of the city and sugar is very effective.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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