Sign of High Blood Sugar: It is a natural thing to feel more thirsty when it is hot, but if your throat starts drying again and again or you have to go for urine even in normal weather, then understand that it is a sign of high blood sugar.

High Blood Sugar Symptoms: Nowadays, due to changing lifestyles, many such diseases have become very common, about which earlier we used to read only in books. One such disease is blood sugar ie diabetes. When sugar becomes high in the blood, it is called Hyperglycaemia. This condition is very dangerous for health. In this, there is an advanced stage of heart attack, due to which a person's life can also be lost.

Signs of high blood sugar

According to doctors, when blood sugar starts getting high in the body, then it starts giving some special signs (Signs of High Blood Sugar). In such a situation, a person's throat starts drying again and again and he feels very thirsty. Along with this, he starts feeling like urinating again and again. Skin infection, blurred vision, bladder infection, sudden weight loss, all these are signs that the level of sugar in your blood is getting high and you need to control it.

Reasons for increasing diabetes

Medical experts say that having high blood sugar symptoms can be fatal for anyone. Therefore, it is better to control it in time. The reason for the increase in blood sugar in the body can be dehydration, lack of physical exercise, excessive eating, mental stress, or forgetting to take medicines related to diabetes or any chronic disease. Therefore, there is always a need to be cautious in these matters.

Tips to control blood sugar

If you see high blood sugar in the body (High Blood Sugar Control Tips), then do not delay in consulting your family doctor immediately. Along with this, you should always keep diabetes control medicines with you, which you can use when needed. If your blood sugar becomes high during the night and you start feeling difficulty in breathing, then you should reach the hospital as soon as possible with an acquaintance and get your treatment done.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)