Breathing problems in kids: Breathing problems, whether it is asthma or bronchitis, both are dangerous. Asthma is a respiratory problem in which the respiratory tract swells and shrinks. Due to this breathing becomes difficult, there is a lot of cough and wheezing sounds heard while breathing and breathing is also short. Respiratory problems can have a profound impact on a child's health and development. Sometimes one can even die due to an asthma attack. It becomes a bit challenging for parents to handle such children, so to keep your child safe from serious situations, keep getting them checked by the doctor from time to time, and also by creating a healthy environment at home, these diseases can be prevented. Could. Let us know how.

maintain a smoke-free environment

A smoke-free indoor environment is a very important step in the prevention of respiratory problems. Secondhand smoke is a major reason for the increase in respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis in children. Avoid smoking in the house, avoid using coils to ward off mosquitoes, and do not burn incense sticks in the house because these things can also increase the problem.

adopt healthy habits

Respiratory diseases can be prevented to a great extent by teaching healthy habits to children. In which the most important and first thing is to wash hands with soap and water, especially before and after eating. Apart from this, tell them the importance of washing hands after using the toilet, touching pets, and even playing. Another important thing is that children should also be told to cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or elbow while coughing or sneezing. This helps prevent the spread of germs.

do physical activities

If the child has a serious breathing problem, then start any kind of physical activity only after consulting the doctor, but if the problem is normal, then try to do light exercises for some time every day. This improves the ability to breathe. Doing activities like biking, swimming, and running strengthens the lungs, which can reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.

Monitor indoor air quality

Dr Ankur Ohri, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatric Asthma and Allergy, Senior Consultant, Madhukar Rainbow Hospital, Delhi, said, 'Indoor air pollution can significantly increase the risk of respiratory diseases. There should be more ventilation in the house and one should avoid cleaning the house with hard cleaners or things that release toxic fumes. Use eco-friendly or natural options as much as possible. Parents can help their children by ensuring that they avoid indoor air pollution.'

Focus on a balanced diet

Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide many essential nutrients that help maintain immune and respiratory function. Also, include things rich in antioxidants in the child's diet. Like berries, leafy green vegetables, and citrus fruits. Antioxidants can help reduce inflammation in the body.

periodic check-up

Regular checkups by a doctor can help early detection and treatment of possible respiratory diseases. Parents should ensure that their children have received all the necessary vaccinations.

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