Ayurveda tips for kidneys: Any kind of kidney-related problem affects the overall health. Kidneys work like a filter in our body. It removes the harmful elements present in the body through urine. Kidneys also purify blood. Any kind of malfunction in the kidneys affects all these functions. Although the kidney cleans itself, to keep it healthy, it is important to keep some other things in mind. Let us know about this.

Stay hydrated

Drinking an adequate amount of water is very important to keep the kidneys healthy. If an adequate amount of lukewarm water is taken throughout the day, it helps in removing toxic elements from the body, due to which the kidneys continue to function properly.

Eat a balanced diet

Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced diet, which includes fresh and whole foods. The diet should include an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables and the consumption of processed and junk food should be minimized. Food rich in fiber and low in sodium helps keep the kidneys healthy.

Keep blood pressure under control

High blood pressure can gradually cause damage to the kidneys. To keep blood pressure under control, Ayurveda emphasizes ways to reduce stress, which take the help of yoga, meditation, and pranayam.

Keep weight under control

The pressure on the kidneys due to obesity also increases the risk of many diseases. Weight can be controlled by following Ayurvedic eating rules and doing exercise.

Avoid excessive use of painkillers

Taking too much of some over-the-counter painkillers can also cause kidney damage. According to Ayurveda, taking natural painkillers is a safe solution for pain relief.

Herbal help

Ayurvedic herbs like – Punarnava, Gokshura, and Varun are known to prevent kidney damage. You can use these herbs daily, but to know how to use them, contact an Ayurvedic doctor.

Limited amounts of alcohol and caffeine

Excessive use of alcohol and caffeine causes dehydration in the body, which puts pressure on the kidneys. If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, consume both in limited quantities.

Regular exercise

In Ayurveda, regular physical exercise is recommended to maintain good health. Adopting yoga or any other exercise increases blood circulation in the body parts, which also improves the functioning of the kidneys.

Adequate rest

To maintain overall health, it is important to get adequate sleep along with diet and exercise. Good and restful sleep helps to rejuvenate the body and relax the mind. Besides this, kidney function also improves.

By adopting these Ayurvedic methods, kidneys can be kept healthy, and many problems can be saved.

(Based on a conversation with Dr. Puneet, Founder Director, Karma Ayurveda)