Our body gets many nutrients from bananas. In such a situation, many people include bananas in their diet to stay healthy. Now people do not have to go to the market every day and sometimes bananas turn black very quickly. If you want to keep these bananas fresh for a long time, then you can keep them fresh with small things at home. For example, if you keep the banana stalk in the right way, then it remains completely fresh. Let's know some special recipes like this.

Store bananas like this
Take care of the stem

If you want to save bananas from turning black for a long time, then you should take care of the stalk. If you keep the banana stalk covered, then it will not turn black for a long time. For this, the stalk can be wrapped with plastic or paper. In this way, bananas will remain fresh.

How to use a hanger
You can also use a banana hanger to keep bananas fresh for a long time. Bananas turn black soon because they are pressed from one side. In such a situation, they melt and blackness comes on them. If you hang bananas on a hanger, then this problem can end. For this, you can bring a hanger of bananas from the market.

Keep it in the room
Many people keep bananas in the fridge to keep them fresh, but let us tell you that keeping them in the fridge spoils the bananas soon. To keep it fresh, it is very important to keep bananas at a normal temperature.

This is how bananas will stay fresh with Vitamin C
You can also keep bananas fresh with Vitamin C tablets. Due to this, bananas remain fresh for many days. For this, you dissolve the tablet of Vitamin C in water. Keep the bananas soaked in this water. Bananas do not get spoiled by this.