Benefits of box breathing: Stress and anxiety have become very common in today's busy life. Many people adopt various measures to get rid of it like taking medicines, doing home remedies etc. But there are many people whose stress level has become very high, or to put it simply, they become chronic stress. Many methods are adopted to deal with this problem, out of which box breathing is an easy and effective method.

What is box breathing? What is box breathing?

Box breathing is a simple breathing technique in which a certain rhythm of inhaling and exhaling is followed. To do this, first of all take a deep breath and hold it in your mind for a count of four, now exhale and then count from 1 to 4 in your mind and then stop breathing. Repeat this cycle several times. This is called box breathing.

How to do box breathing? How to do box breathing?

1- Sit in a comfortable position.

2- Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.

3- Slowly breathe in through the nose, for four counts.

4- Hold your breath for four counts.

5- Slowly exhale through the mouth, for four counts.

6- Hold your breath for four counts.

7- Repeat this cycle for 5-10 minutes.

5 special benefits of box breathing-

1- Reduces stress and anxiety: Box breathing calms the brain and helps reduce stress and anxiety.

2- Improves concentration and focus: Box breathing helps to focus and improve concentration.

3- Reduces blood pressure: Box breathing helps in reducing blood pressure.

4- Improves sleep quality: Box breathing helps in improving sleep quality.

5- Improves digestion: Box breathing helps in improving digestion.

Box breathing is a simple and effective technique that can prove to be very beneficial for your health. Doing this daily for 10-15 minutes will help you get relief from stress and anxiety and improve your overall health. While doing box breathing, keep these things in mind, for example - while doing box breathing, concentrate on your breath. Do box breathing slowly and comfortably. While counting to four, keep the time interval between two digits equal.

To take full advantage of box breathing, follow the tips given below.

Exercise regularly.

Get enough sleep.

Eat a balanced diet.

Avoid consumption of caffeine and alcohol.

Do meditation and yoga.

Spend time with your loved ones.

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