How to get Good Sleep: Who doesn't want that when they get a chance to sleep at night after a day's work, they get a sound sleep quickly and then there is no disturbance before morning. Most health experts recommend that a healthy adult should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day, but some people do not get enough sleep because they wake up repeatedly during the night and then it takes a long time to get back to sleep. Have to face difficulties. Let us know how this problem can be avoided.

Reason for frequent sleepless nights

We often do not pay attention to this, but our food habits are also largely responsible for not getting proper sleep at night. Let us know what things we have to take care of to get a peaceful sleep.

1. Don't eat carbs at night:

Before going to bed at night, don't eat those things which are rich in carbohydrates, things like rice, chips, potato, banana, and pasta are important in these. Carbohydrate things disturb sleep and you have to wake up again and again in the night.

2, Avoid tea and coffee at night

There is no dearth of people who drink tea and coffee in India, but this hobby can disturb your sleep because the amount of caffeine in it is very high. Often we drink tea or coffee to get rid of sleep and to feel refreshed but do not do this at all 2-3 hours before sleeping.

3. Don't take too much tension

It is common to have tension in today's run-of-the-mill life, but if you allow it to dominate excessively, then it will have a direct effect on your mental health, which is a major reason for sleep disorder.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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