Yoga makes the body and mind healthy. If you have any disease and it is not in a very serious state, then you can try these 5 surefire remedies of yoga with the advice of a yoga teacher. It is believed that by doing these, the disease is eradicated from the root. However, it should be done only under the supervision of an expert.

To become healthy, first do these 5 important things-
Tea, coffee, milk, cold drinks, refined flour, oil, sugar, salt, gram flour, brinjal, samosas, kachoris, poha, pizza, burger, etc., and fast food.

Use sugar candy instead of sugar and rock salt instead of salt.

Instead of oil, you can use rice bran or things made without oil. For this, you can use onion or tomato gravy.

Eat as much fiber-rich food as possible.

Drink grapefruit or lemon juice.

5 surefire tips:-

1. Meditation

First of all, start meditating for 20 minutes every day in the morning and evening. With meditation, your mind will gradually calm down and fill with new positive energy. If anxiety, fear, nervousness, restlessness, depression, grief, suspicious nature, negativity, conflict or confusion, etc. are removed from the mind, then the body will also start having a positive response.

2. Do these three pranayamas

Make Chandrabhedi, Suryabhedi and Bhramari pranayama a part of your daily routine. These can be learned easily. These will purify the oxygen in the body and make blood circulation smooth.

3. Panchkarma Kriya

Do this kriya once. According to Ayurveda and Yoga, Panchkarma or Panchkriya means five types of kriyas that make the body healthy. It includes Vamana, purgation, niruhavasthi, nasya, anuvasnavasthi, and other therapies. The kriyas also include Uddiyaan, Nauli, Dhauti Karma, Basti Kriya, Ganesh Kriya, Shankh Prakshalan, and Vaman Kriya. If you cannot do the kriyas, then do these yogasanas- Malasana, Vajrasana, Vakrasana, Sarpasana, Katichakrasana, Viparitakarani Asana. It provides relief for many diseases including arthritis, diabetes, stress, gout, paralysis, digestion, lungs, headache, heel pain, joint pain, cracked heels, memory loss, eye disease, and cervical.

4. Surya Namaskar

Do Surya Namaskar every day. Do the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar at least 5 times. Most of the asanas are included in Surya Namaskar. It can keep the body completely healthy provided it is done regularly. Its results start coming in 3 months.

5. Vrat

Vrat or fasting is a part of Yama Niyama's yoga. Fasting removes the dirt accumulated inside the body. Fast for 16 hours. For example, if you eat at 8 pm, then eat at midnight the next day. You do not have to eat or drink anything during this time. You can drink water, coconut water, or vegetable juice in the morning. If you start doing this, the old and new food in the body will be completely digested and will start coming out.

(PC: Freepik)