World Diabetes Day 2023: We directly connect diabetes with sweet things. Meaning, if you want to stay safe from these diseases, you will just have to sacrifice sweet things, this is true but not completely. Yes, excessive consumption of sweet things is not the only cause of diabetes, but some of your habits contribute to it, so it is important to control these also. Let us know about it.

Control these things to avoid the risk of diabetes

do exercise dail

To stay away from diabetes , do at least 30-40 minutes of physical activities daily. From walking, jogging to cycling, yoga, badminton, football etc, sweat it out in any way you can. Well, doing yoga is also a very good option. There are many such asanas, which keep hormones balanced, digestion system healthy, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes to a great extent. Apart from asanas, also focus on meditation. This relieves stress.

Control food habits

The sooner you give up bed food habits, the better. Understand the importance of a healthy and balanced diet . Eat small amounts three to four times a day. Especially include fruits and vegetables in your diet because they contain many types of nutrition, which are essential for our body. Control fried, junk and processed foods.

Control on salt and sugar

Give up the habit of adding salt to food. Similarly, consume sweets in minimum quantity. Avoid it at night completely. Consuming jaggery instead is beneficial in every way.

Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Consumption of cigarettes and alcohol can cause many problems like blood pressure, obesity and sugar. Therefore stay away from this also.

keep weight under control

If a person who is pre-diabetic can lose weight, he can stay away from diabetes to a great extent. The same rule applies for people who are suffering from diabetes. Keep body mass index (BMI) between 18 to 23. Eat items with low glycemic index in your diet.

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