Nowadays many people are troubled by hair fall. The problem of baldness is being seen to a great extent among the people. The baldness of hair also reduces self-confidence. This problem is seen very often in many people. Today we will tell you how you can make your hair long and thick.

Baldness is being seen a lot among people, due to which people remain very worried. You should apply onion juice once a week. Due to this, hair grows twice as fast. The problem of baldness gets resolved in a jiffy.

You should also apply lemon juice to your hair. This also helps a lot in growing hair faster. Lemon juice should be mixed with coconut oil and applied.

By applying aloe vera on the head, the problem of itching and baldness goes away to a great extent. People use expensive things to grow hair but that does not help.

You should massage your head thoroughly three times a week. You can also do an oil massage regularly. Hair growth will become much faster with this.

You should also apply camphor oil to your head. Applying camphor on the head calms down the burning sensation in the head and also removes the problem of hair fall.

(PC: Freepik)