Morning sickness is a common problem during pregnancy, which affects about 70% of women. Symptoms of morning sickness include vomiting, nausea, fatigue, headache, and sourness in the mouth. In most cases, morning sickness occurs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and then subsides. However, in some women, morning sickness may persist throughout pregnancy.

The causes of morning sickness are not fully understood, but it is believed to be caused by hormonal changes. There is no specific treatment for morning sickness, but some home remedies can provide relief. Let us tell you that morning sickness can occur throughout the day. According to a study, the term morning sickness is a myth for this condition.

To get relief from morning sickness, try some home remedies

- eat small meals and drinks. Avoid eating until your stomach is full in one go.

- Increase fluid intake. Drink fluids like water, juice, and soup.

- Avoid fragrant things. Foods with strong smells, such as coffee, tea and smoking, can increase morning sickness.

- Eat ginger. Ginger is a natural medicine that can help reduce nausea and vomiting. Ginger tea or chewing ginger pieces can provide relief.

- Take Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 may help reduce nausea and vomiting. You can take vitamin B6 supplements or eat foods rich in vitamin B6, such as meat, fish, eggs and milk.

Consult a doctor for severe morning sickness

If your morning sickness is severe and it is affecting your daily life, consult a doctor. The doctor may suggest you some medicines or other treatments.

Some tips to avoid morning sickness

- Take enough protein and iron in your diet. Protein and iron can help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.

- Exercise regularly. Exercise can increase blood flow and help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.

- avoid stress. Stress can increase the symptoms of morning sickness.

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but symptoms like morning sickness can be troublesome. With home remedies and doctor's advice, you can get relief from morning sickness and improve your pregnancy experience.

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