Healthy Flour For Diabetes: Diabetes is such a problem related to lifestyle, due to which every person is troubled in this era. You will get to see one patient with diabetes in every second or third house. Now one thing is certain about this disease there is no cure for it, it cannot be eradicated from the root, but it can be kept healthy by keeping it under control. To keep it under control, people take medicines. Some people refrain from eating and drinking, so today we are going to tell you some flours to keep diabetes under control, if you include them in your diet, then your blood sugar level can be maintained.

Ragi bread - Ragi is rich in fibre, apart from this it contains vitamins, proteins and lipids, which work to control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Consumption of ragi flour keeps your stomach full for a long time, which helps you in reducing weight, if you are not able to use ragi in any way, then you can replace it with wheat bread.

Soya bread - Research has also found that isoflavones are found in soy which can help in controlling diabetes, and it also increases glucose tolerance in the body. It not only prevents diabetes but also prevents cholesterol levels from increasing and also reduces the risk of heart disease.

Oats roti-Oats roti can also be very beneficial for diabetic patients. Eating roti made of oats keeps the blood sugar level balanced. Eating it regularly can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Its glycemic index is low, apart from this, beta-glucan in it reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Buckwheat flour roti- Buckwheat flour can also prove beneficial for diabetes patients. Bitter gourd flour is gluten-free, and vitamins, minerals and proteins are found in plenty of it. It is a healthy diet for diabetic patients, it also contains fewer carbs and is a hypoglycemic food. Buckwheat flour contains fibre and phytonutrients, which can help control diabetes.

Millet bread- Eating millet bread is also very beneficial for diabetes. Bajra is rich in magnesium. It prevents the rise of blood sugar levels. The glycemic index is found in low quantities in millet, due to which the risk of increasing sugar level is also less.