Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, women have to face many health problems. One of them is also the problem of constipation. By the way, constipation is a common problem. If this problem occurs in pregnancy, it can cause many other problems. This problem occurs due to an increase in progesterone levels in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Due to the increase in the level of progesterone, the muscles of the intestine relax, due to which the food remains in the digestive system for a long time. In addition, dietary changes during pregnancy, lack of activity and growing pregnancy put pressure on the intestines. Due to this, the problem of constipation starts. This causes harm to pregnant women as well as their unborn children.

You can try some easy remedies to get rid of constipation during pregnancy. DrSheeba Mittal of Well Women Clinic is telling us about them. Expert says, “Constipation is common during pregnancy and many pregnant women suffer from constipation. But some things are such that you can prevent the problem of constipation. Also, if you are already experiencing constipation, you can treat it.

High fibre diet

In the problem of constipation, it is necessary to take care of diet. Pregnant women should take 25 to 30 grams of dietary fibre daily through fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, prunes and bran. This softens the stool, which makes it easier to defecate.

In addition, foods rich in fibre are good for your digestion and reduce the risk of constipation.

Drink liquid

When more amount of fibre is taken in the diet, then more liquid should also be taken. The combination of dietary fibre and plenty of liquid helps detox the body. So take 10 to 12 less liquid. However, due to sweating and heat, you may need to take more liquid.

Be active

If you remain inactive during pregnancy, then the risk of constipation increases. Walking, swimming and yoga help your bowels function properly. Therefore, exercise three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. Due to this, the digestive system also works well.

Iron supplement

An iron supplement is the biggest reason for the problem of constipation. Some women get constipated by taking iron supplements. To reduce the problem, take iron supplements in small amounts throughout the day instead of taking iron in one go. Apart from this, taking a good diet during pregnancy helps in meeting iron deficiency.

If constipation is affecting your daily activities or eating habits or is causing severe pain or discomfort, see a doctor.

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