Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

You must have also often heard that if you want to maintain good health, then oily food should be consumed in minimum quantity, because by consuming them, the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood starts increasing, due to which high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack. There is an increased risk of coronary artery disease and triple vessel disease. It is not that eating oil is not beneficial for our health, it works to provide essential fats in our body and also helps in the absorption of soluble vitamins. Let us tell you that there are oils that are no less than any threat to us, let us know about them in detail through this article -

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Stop consuming these cooking oils from today itself:

1. Hot Pressed Canola Oil

2. Soybean Oil

3. Corn Oil

4. Rice Bran Oil

5. Peanut Oil

6 Hot Pressed Sunflower Oil

Photo Credit: TV9 Bharatvarsh

* Use these oils instead of refined oil:

1. Coconut Oil

2. Desi Ghee

3. Cold Press-Mustard Oil, Groundnut Oil, Sesame Oil

* Should not consume oil at all:

There is no repeating that to avoid obesity and the bad city, you should consume a minimum amount of oil but it does not mean that you should start eating a completely oil-free diet. Because if omega-3 fatty remains in your body, then it improves brain development and hormone secretion, and the immune system.